Dock on Post Hardware
Showing 1–16 of 135 results
“L” shape bracket(HC6500-HC8500) (1 ) for centering rails w/o U-Bolts
“L” shape bracket(M1500-M2000-M3500) (1 ) for centering rails w/o U-Bolts
“L” shape bracket(M3000-M3400) (1 ) for centering rails w/o U-Bolts
“L” shape bracket(M4500-HC4500) (1 ) for centering rails w/o U-Bolts
“L” shape bracket(M5500-HC5500) (1 ) for centering rails w/o U-Bolts
(1) Wireless remote control (Bucher)
1/2″ white bushing – Axle
24” post canopy top- set of 4 (M1200V)
3/8″ bushing Aluminum- Axle
42” post canopy top- set of 4
6′ post canopy top- exchange
6′ post canopy top- set of 4
Adjustable leg 48” with drill (2) (HL SERIES)
Adjustable leg 48” with drill (2) (HC8500)
Adjustable leg 48” with drill (2) (M2000 a HC6500)
Aluminum plate 1″ x 1 5/8″ Cedar panel attachment